Welcome to the official Sickwork Neocities

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Hi. I'm Sickwork, a 15-year old SoCal-based rapper/producer who likes Knuckles Chaotix for some reason.

My main inspirations are MF DOOM, Jaylib, Aesop Rock, Kanye West, etc.

If you'd like to get to know my style a bit better, here's where to start.

I don't just make hip-hop, though, I make other kinds of music. The main musical project of mine, and the one I want to be known for, is Sickwork. Right here. But if you're not into rap, or just interested in hearing what else I've got up in this weird lil brain of mine, click here.

If you're looking to work with me, DM me on my socials or email me at

Thanks for checking me out.


Rain - Money - Music (kind of a given but whatever) - Candy cigarettes - The moon (especially when it's cloudy/foggy out) - Bath & Body Works - Video games - Disney movies - VR - The nighttime - Sunsets - Briefcases


Ableism - Bigotry in general - Rich people (with no humility) - Centrists - Conservatives - Mfs who hate for no reason